Figley-Salz & Company Blog: national flood insurance program
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Wednesday, May 22, 2019 The recent flooding throughout Oklahoma has been devastating. . .and it looks like even more rain is in store for the days ahead. So many people are under the misconception their homeowners policy will protect them following a flooding event, but here's the unpleasant truth: FLOODING IS NOT COVERED UNDER THE HOMEOWNERS POLICY! READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 28, 2015 The recent flooding throughout the Southern Plains has been devastating. . .and it looks like even more rain is in store for the days ahead. So many people are under the misconception their homeowners policy will protect them in the event of a flooding event, so here's the unpleasant truth: FLOODING IS NOT COVERED UNDER THE HOMEOWNERS POLICY! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Here is an irrefutable fact: Flooding can occur ANYWHERE. All it takes is too much moisture on already-saturated ground. Here is another irrefutable fact: Flooding is NOT covered under your homeowners policy! Damage from floodwaters is specifically excluded on all homeowners policies. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 The latest flooding in Colorado brings home this irrefutable fact: flooding can occur ANYWHERE. All it takes is too much moisture on already-saturated ground. Here is another irrefutable fact: flooding is not covered under your homeowners policy! READ MORE >>
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