Figley-Salz & Company Blog: heat cable
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Thursday, January 26, 2023 We are now in the BUTAL cold of winter! In addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. (We've already experienced this in our area right before Christmas!) Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 We are now in the BRUTAL cold of winter! In addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you this in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 28, 2021 We are now in the BRUTAL cold of winter! In addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you this in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 We are heading into the BRUTAL cold of the winter! In addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you this in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 17, 2019 We are heading into the BRUTAL cold of the winter! In addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you this in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 5, 2017 Thus far, the cold of 2017 has been BRUTAL! And in addition to dangerous temperatures, there is the headache of frozen pipes. Anyone who has experienced a frozen pipe that ultimately breaks can tell you this in a heartbeat: The resulting mess is expensive! READ MORE >>
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